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Correction Counseling and Moral Education

NCJ Number
Journal of Correctional Education Volume: 37 Issue: 2 Dated: (June 1986) Pages: 48-53
A vanKaam
Date Published
6 pages
This article describes correctional counseling as a form of moral education.
After identifying lack of moral attention and appraisal as a source of moral deficiencies the author describes the emergence of a felt need for moral education through counseling. This need may be experienced as a result of problems increasingly met in one's daily field of moral action. Correctional counseling is one possible response to this need. This type of counseling demands a certain detachment during counseling sessions from the counselors' personal moral life projects and particular moral education. The relationship of correctional counseling should be structured in such a way that it fosters the manifestation of dispositions of acceptance, affective presence, strategic distance, moral-educational presence, and shared moral concern. Shared moral concern is only possible to the degree that correctees accept freely their counselor's concern. (Author abstract)


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