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Correcting Errors of Thinking in the Socialization of Offenders

NCJ Number
Journal of Correctional Education Volume: 42 Issue: 2 Dated: (June 1991) Pages: 56-58
S E Samenow
Date Published
3 pages
Because many offenders lack a social education and an understanding about human relationships, the terms rehabilitation and reintegration are misleading. The job of educating offenders must involve more than instruction in job and social skills; offenders need to learn how to recognize errors in their thinking and how to correct them.
The socialization process must help offenders learn a set of concepts that is second nature to most people. One central concept is to learn how other people see the world and their own desires and needs. The offender must also develop a concept of injury to others, rather than seeing himself as the only aggrieved party. This type of rehabilitation requires a wide open channel of communication that consists of full disclosure, receptivity to another point of view, and self-criticism. The process of socialization is essentially the development of values for the offender.


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