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Coping With a Serious Crime - Self-Help and Outside Help

NCJ Number
Victimology Volume: 9 Issue: 3-4 Dated: (1984) Pages: 324-343
C H D Steinmetz
Date Published
20 pages
This article analyzes the ways in which victims cope with the direct and indirect effects of serious crime.
Both self-help and outside held provide the theoretical framework. More emphasis has been placed on self-help than on outside help. Outside help is only useful if it stimulates self-help. Secondary victimization could furthermore be the outcome of unsuccessful outside help. According to our theoretical analysis lasting and painful after-effects for victims of serious crime can only be avoided if two conditions are satisfied: 1) when secondary victimization has not been the case and 2) when outside help did in fact stimulate self-help. From this theoretical framework it can easily be seen that a considerable number of victims will experience lasting and painful after-effects because of the 'bad job' done by 'supporting agencies' belonging to the Criminal Justice System, such as the Police and the Public Prosecutor's Department. While the implications of this article are universal, the author has based his statements and analysis on Dutch research, laws, and criminal justice policies and practices. (Author abstract)