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Coordinated Response to Child Abuse and Neglect: A Basic Manual

NCJ Number
D DePanfilis; M K Salus
Date Published
72 pages
This manual provides basic information needed by professionals and concerned citizens to become involved in and enhance their community's intervention efforts related to child abuse and neglect.
The manual emphasizes the need for broad-based efforts by public and private agencies, professionals, and individuals to prevent, detect, and treat the problem. It explains that child protection services are based on the views that communities should establish programs to strengthen families; that child maltreatment is a community problem; that the community's reponse must be nonpunitive and conducted in the least intrusive manner possible; and that planning for children who must be removed from the family must focus on a permanent solution. Additional sections define child abuse and neglect in legal and operational terms; explain the nature, extent, causes, and effects of child maltreatment; describe Federal, State, and local responsibilities in child protection; and describe strategies for enhancing community collaboration and coordination. The text also provides an overview of the child protection system and describes the roles of the court, community agencies, and professionals in the prevention, identification, and treatment of child abuse and neglect. Figures, glossary, notes, list of organizations, 62 references, and list of resource organizations