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Controlling Physical Access From a Central Location

NCJ Number
Computer Security Journal Volume: 1 Issue: 1 Dated: (Spring 1981) Pages: 83-98
B B Austin
Date Published
16 pages
Physical access to data processing facilities can be controlled by electronic systems based on microprocessors or minicomputers.
Entry of a valid code through a card reader or keyboard causes the protected doorway to be opened by an electric strike which is activated automatically by the central controller. Valid codes are stored in central memory along with the access level and time zone restrictions of each user. The system reports on events as they occur, by means of light-emitting diodes, printers, or CRTs. The systems may also be capable of monitoring the protected area for fire and intruders. The many capabilities of these systems are discussed and the specifications of a number of real systems are presented in a table. A list of vendors is included. (Publisher abstract)


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