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NCJ Number
Police Studies Volume: 15 Issue: 4 Dated: (Winter 1992) Pages: 167-174
M E V Nava
Date Published
8 pages
This article proposes a structure and activities for government and private-sector cooperation in combatting public corruption, and Mexico's efforts in this regard are profiled.
Government's role in countering public corruption is to have a code of ethics that can be legally enforced and delineates behavior that advances and preserves the fundamental purpose of public service. The government should also maintain a system of modern monitoring and auditing that facilitates enforcement of the code of ethics. In responding to society's concerns about public corruption, the government should operate communications mechanisms that foster expeditious, timely, and fair responses to the citizenry. The government should also simplify its management operations to facilitate rational and efficient responses to societal needs and maintain a self-critical posture that promotes the identification and correction of abuses. Societal contributions to the fight against public corruption should include a high level of interest in the improvement of the behaviors of public institutions and their personnel, an organizational capability that promotes government-citizenry cooperation in countering public corruption, and the maintenance of trust as the essential value in the link between citizens and their public institutions. Mexico's effort to involve the public in efforts to control public corruption are in four areas: the monitoring of the performance of public servants, monitoring of the management of public resources, optimization of the programs that involve public resources and resources provided by society, and improvement in public services.