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Contrast Enhancement of Bite Mark Images Using the Grayscale Mixer in ACR in Photoshop

NCJ Number
Journal of Forensic Sciences Volume: 58 Issue: 3 Dated: May 2013 Pages: 804-810
Sam Evans, M.Phil.; Suzanne Noorbhai, M.Sc.; Zoe Lawson, Ph.D.; Seren Stacey-Jones, B.A.; Romina Carabott, M.Sc.
Date Published
May 2013
7 pages
This research examines enhanced images for improve bite mark edge definition, assisting forensic analysis.
Enhanced images may improve bite mark edge definition, assisting forensic analysis. Current contrast enhancement involves color extraction, viewing layered images by channel. A novel technique, producing a single enhanced image using the grayscale mix panel within Adobe Camera Raw, has been developed and assessed here, allowing adjustments of multiple color channels simultaneously. Stage 1 measured RGB values in 72 versions of a color chart image; 8 sliders in Photoshop were adjusted at 25 percent intervals, all corresponding colors affected. Stage 2 used a bite mark image, and found only red, orange, and yellow sliders had discernable effects. Stage 3 assessed modality preference between color, grayscale, and enhanced images; on average, the 22 survey participants chose the enhanced image as better defined for 9 out of 10 bite marks. The study has shown potential benefits for this new technique. However, further research is needed before use in the analysis of bite marks. Abstract published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons.