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Continuity and Discontinuity in Illicit Drug Use: Patterns and Antecedents

NCJ Number
Journal of Drug Issues Volume: 24 Issue: 1 and 2 Dated: (Winter/Spring 1994) Pages: 75-98
F Esbensen; D S Elliott
Date Published
24 pages
This study uses event-history analysis to test a social learning model for the identification of factors associated with both the onset and discontinuity of drug use.
Eight waves of the National Youth Survey, a panel study of a national probability sample of youth in the United States, provide 14 years (1976-1989) of drug-use information for 1,172 respondents aged 11 through 30. Findings show that once drug use has begun, drug use is maintained for an extended time. Demographic characteristics have little effect on either initiation or cessation of drug use. Variables that pertain to social learning theory are more important in accounting for initiation than cessation of drug use. Life events such as marriage and becoming a parent increase the odds of discontinuing drug use. Since the authors view this research as exploratory, they identify topics for future research. 3 tables and 37 references