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Contemporary Problems of Fighting Organized Crime and Corruption in the Conditions of World Financial and Economic Crisis

NCJ Number
Internal Security Volume: 2 Issue: 2 Dated: July - December 2010 Pages: 119-125
Tatiana Volcheckaya
Date Published
December 2010
7 pages
The article analyzes dynamics of the organized crime in the conditions of world financial and economic crisis in various countries and reveals its basic characteristic features.
Nowadays organized crime activities are characterized by an intimate contact between the organized underworld and the representative, executive as well as law-enforcement structures of a country, which leads to the situation where the leaders of criminal groups obtain a real opportunity to control the country. According to criminology, one of the main factors having a profound effect on the level of the crime is the state of economy. It investigates a condition of fight against the organized crime in Russia and offers concrete measures and solutions to achieve this purpose. The analysis of foreign law enforcement structure practice shows that in order to eliminate the consequences of crisis the majority of countries have taken the measures against organized crime alongside with economic and financial measures. For instance, in Italy in the last quarter of 2008 a whole series of tactic operations against mafia activities were conducted which resulted in hundreds being arrested. The author strongly believe that in Russia during the crisis there is a vital need of creating independent federal body to fight the organized crime and corruption having its own bodies in the regions. (Published Abstract)