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Contemporary Piracy Research in Criminology: A Review Essay with Directions for Future Research

NCJ Number
International Journal of Comparative Applied Criminal Justice Volume: 38 Issue: 3 Dated: August 2014 Pages: 281-303
Anamika A. Twyman-Ghoshal
Date Published
August 2014
23 pages
The realm of the ocean is scarcely studied by criminologist despite it being a component of the space of society.
With the growth of maritime piracy in the past decade, this void has become increasingly palpable. The aim of this article is to catalyze more research in the field by providing an introduction and overview of the topic. The article starts by clarifying what piracy is, reviewing and evaluating some of its definitions and typologies. Furthermore, using the new Contemporary Maritime Piracy Database, the article charts the location of contemporary piracy. The article outlines factors that have been suggested as precursors of piracy before suggesting some key areas for future research. Abstract published by arrangement with Taylor Francis.