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Containing a Heroin Epidemic in Altgeid Gardens (From Behind the Wall of Respect, P 91-108, 1977, Patrick H Hughes -- See NCJ-118610)

NCJ Number
P H Hughes
Date Published
18 pages
The "Altgeld experiment" in Chicago addressed long-term reduction of both incidence and prevalence of heroin addiction and incorporated the added dimension of community involvement.
A four-phase intervention model was planned that included epidemiological field investigations; pilot outreach and treatment; intensive outreach and treatment; and follow-up and prevention. The function was to maintain a census of all addicts in the community and to make weekly recordings of any changes in their addiction status. The members of the young addict group were offered immediate admission into the treatment unit nearest their residence. A laundry business was set up so that the addicts could obtain work experience. The project was evaluated by analyzing incidence and prevalence trends from July 1970 to December 1974. Prevalence of active heroin addicts did eventually reach zero, but it is not suggested that addiction was eliminated in the community. 4 figures and 13 notes.

Sale Source
University of Chicago Press

1427 East 60th Street, Chicago, IL 60637, United States

Publication Type
Program Description (Demonstrative)
United States of America