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In Contact with a Violent Public: Victimization in Government Agencies and Business Life

NCJ Number
Justitiele verkenningen Volume: 18 Issue: 1 Dated: (January/February 1992) Pages: 9-25
C H D Steinmetz
Date Published
17 pages
This article examines violent victimization in government agencies and business life in the Netherlands.
Governmental agencies and business firms in the Netherlands experience approximately 11 million crimes every year. This partly concerns direct contacts between workers and clients or patients. Workers in health agencies, in agencies maintaining public order, and entertainers do have a high risk of becoming crime victims. Reasons for this type of crime can be found with all parties: clients (for example, random aggression), workers (for example, unfriendly attitude), the company (for example, bad image), and the neighborhood of the firm (lack of informal social control). For this type of business crime, the author favors a structural modular approach. Most important in this approach is the use of the expertise of the workers and a regular analysis of the causes of crime. Goals of such an approach are crime prevention and preventing coping problems. 24 references