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Constitution of Japan

NCJ Number
Law and Contemporary Problems Volume: 53 Issue: 1 and 2 Dated: special issue (Winter/Spring 1990) P 201-214 (N 2)
P R Luney Jr
Date Published
14 pages
The appendix of this special issue presents the actual constitution of Japan.
The Constitution of Japan is presented in full text. The preamble addresses the idea of peace for all time and the basic principles of government and democracy. Chapter 1 deals with the Emperor as a symbol and has eight articles describing limitations and duties of the Emperor. Chapter 2 is the renunciation of war, while chapter 3 addresses the rights and duties of the people and covers articles 10 through 40. Chapter 4 addresses the National Diet; establishes it, and sets out its duties, responsibilities, and limitations. Chapter 5 covers the Cabinet and includes articles 65 through 75. Chapter 6 establishes the Supreme Court and lower courts and covers articles 76 through 82. Chapter 8 covers national finance; who spends and who collects, and chapter 9 deals with how to amend the constitution. Chapter 10 sets up the constitution as the supreme law of the land; chapter 11 provides for supplementary provisions.