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Consistency in Self-Reports of Drug Use Frequency by High-Risk Offenders Over a 5-Year Interval

NCJ Number
Prison Journal Volume: 93 Issue: 4 Dated: December 2013 Pages: 375-389
Michael Prendergast; Libo Li; Elizabeth Evans; Elizabeth Hall
Date Published
December 2013
15 pages
Self-reports of drug use by high-risk offenders interviewed on two occasions were compared to determine the extent to which the reports were consistent at the two interview points.
Self-reports of drug use by high-risk offenders interviewed on two occasions were compared to determine the extent to which the reports were consistent at the two interview points. Self-reports of frequency of drug use over the same 12-month period were compared among parolees N = 380 who had participated in prison drug treatment and who were interviewed at 1 and 5 years following prison release. The kappa coefficient was .31 p < .001, generally considered a fair level of agreement. Total concordance in retrospective recall of primary drug use frequency was 54.5%.

