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Conformity, Peer Pressure, and Adolescent Receptivity to Treatment for Substance Abuse: A Research Note

NCJ Number
Journal of Drug Education Volume: 22 Issue: 3 Dated: (1992) Pages: 185-194
J M Raniseski; C K Sigelman
Date Published
10 pages
Forty adolescents admitted to one of two highly similar inpatient drug and alcohol treatment programs in Tucson, Arizona were surveyed to explore the possibility that peer influences contribute to substance abuse and shape feelings about treatment.
Study findings failed to confirm the hypothesis that a personal disposition to conform to peers and exposure to negative peer pressure jointly predict involvement in substance abuse and other deviant behavior. Perceived peer pressure toward misconduct, low opinions of the value of treatment by disposition to conform to antisocial peers, and a sense of stigma associated with treatment created by perceived peer pressure toward conformity predicted misconduct, including substance abuse. To counteract the peer norms that affect clients, treatment programs can create cohesive peer groups within the facility and norms which are more supportive of program goals and less supportive of deviance. 2 tables and 14 references