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Confluence Model of Sexual Aggression: Combining Hostile Masculinity and Impersonal Sex (From Sex Offender Treatment: Biological Dysfunction, Intrapsychic Conflict, Interpersonal Violence, P 13-37, 1996, Eli Coleman, S. Margretta Dwyer, et al., eds. - See NCJ-174052)

NCJ Number
N M Malamuth; C L Heavey; D Linz
Date Published
25 pages
This article describes a model of the characteristics of sexually aggressive men which emphasizes the convergence of several interrelated factors
The motivation, disinhibition and opportunity predictor variables form two largely independent constellations--hostile masculinity and impersonal sexual orientation. The article considers development of the model in the context of theory and research emphasizing the role of sexual and power motives underlying rape and other forms of sexual aggression. It also compares some aspects of the model to the work of Donald Mosher and associates in assessing the links between a "macho personality" and sexual aggression. Finally, it describes a risk analysis that illustrates the potential relevance of the model to clinical prediction. Statistical comparisons show that a group with all of the risk characteristics is significantly higher in sexual aggression than all other groups. Figures, notes, references