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Conference Report on "Terrorism: An Evaluation of the Reagan Years and an Agenda for the Next Administration"

NCJ Number
Terrorism Volume: 11 Issue: 6 Dated: (1988) Pages: 531-538
Y Alexander
Date Published
8 pages
In November 1988, the George Washington University, the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, and the Leon and Marilyn Klinghoffer Memorial Foundation cosponsored a conference on counterterrorism policies in the 1980's and 1990's.
One conference participant, in discussing U.S. counterterrorism policies, acknowledged that terrorism is and will continue to be a persistent international problem. Although the United States cannot expect to eliminate terrorism, it can work to reduce terrorism's status on the international agenda. U.S. counterterrorism policies are based on three premises. First, terrorist demands will not be met; the United States will not pay ransom, pardon convicted terrorists, or pressure other countries to give in to terrorist demands. Discussions about the welfare and unconditional release of hostages, however, are encouraged. Second, the United States must take the lead in pressuring states which support terrorist groups and use terrorism as part of their foreign policy. Third, the rule of law must be imposed on terrorists for their criminal actions. The terrorist threat in the 1990's will likely continue to involve radical Palestinian terrorist groups, Libya, and Andean terrorism (Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia, and Peru). Further, terrorists will probably make greater use of high technology in their attacks.