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Computer Enhanced Labor Negotiations

NCJ Number
Labor Law Journal Volume: 36 Issue: 10 Dated: (October 1985) Pages: 795-800
M Carrell; L Hampton
Date Published
6 pages
This article describes a computerized costing system that can expedite labor negotiations concerning wages, benefits, and other economic items.
It has typically been difficult and time consuming to calculate the change in total costs associated with a proposed change in one item which may affect many others. A computerized labor cost negotiating system can provide< more accurate and faster decisionmaking during the negotiations process. Before the contract negotiations begin, the incremental costs of any anticipated changes can be included in the computerized model. These costs will be the potential increases in costs to be added to the base case. The total cost of any proposed change in the existing agreement can be instantly calculated by the computer modeling system by taking a selected package of changes, adding these to the base case, and producing the estimate of the new costs. This procedure can be repeated each time there is a change in the contract terms being negotiated. Since negotiations are usually held at a neutral bargaining site, such as a hotel, a remote data center can be established at the hotel using a portable computer terminal, a computer modem, and a hotel phone to call into the data center at corporate offices. A flowchart for the system is provided.


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