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Comprehensive Therapeutic Community Approach for Chronic Substance-Abusing Juvenile Offenders: The Amity Model (From Intensive Interventions With High-Risk Youths, P 189-209, 1991, Troy L Armstrong, ed. -- See NCJ-129819)

NCJ Number
R Mullen; N Arbiter; P Glider
Date Published
21 pages
This paper describes the Amity Adolescent Therapeutic Community, a joint public/private cooperative Arizona program that addresses the multiple risk factors of chronic adolescent substance abusers who have committed crimes.
Amity targets juvenile offenders incarcerated in Arizona Department of Corrections (ADC) institutions and identified by ADC as being chemically dependent. Both the research literature and many years of program experience indicate the need for a response to these juveniles that is intensive, long-term, and multifaceted. The Amity model addresses the multiple risk factors of those referred to the program by adapting the modality of the traditional adult-oriented therapeutic community. The program is derived from a developmental model of behavior which presumes that needs not met in childhood must be met and that childhood trauma must be resolved before psychological, social, and moral growth can occur. Because most offenders come from dysfunctional families, the program acts as an alternate family with positive values to which clients can bond. Treatment is both phased and flexible. The program will serve over 250 youths simultaneously at several sites when program implementation is completed. 2 tables, an appended case study, 10 notes, and 53 references