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Comprehensive Community Service Model for Troubled Children and Their Families in Virginia: Draft Summary

NCJ Number
Date Published
11 pages
The proposed service model for Virginia is intended as a framework for policymakers, professionals, parents, and other advocates interested in developing local systems of service and care for children and their families who are at risk of becoming or currently are emotionally disturbed, behaviorally disordered, and abused and neglected.
The model is based on the premise that troubled children and their families are best served by a system of care that is comprehensive, coordinated, and responsive to the needs of youth and their families. The system should be community-based and culturally competent as well as child and family focused. The process begins with the family and child and their interaction with the various organizations within their communities. Many of the organizations listed provide various services to children and constitute the settings for the identification of behaviors and other symptoms that pose difficulty for children and their families. The settings provide the opportunity for referral to assessment; the assessment process will vary from community to community on the basis of need and resources. The process must be designed so that children and families can be appropriately assessed and then referred to the services that will best meet their needs. The outer circle of services composes a structure that will provide case management for the delivery of services. Funding is directly tied to this case-management structure instead of to specific agencies. 1 figure and an outline of service components