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Complying With the Campus Security Act, 1990: Title II, Crime Awareness and Campus Security

NCJ Number
Date Published
8 pages
This paper presents information intended to help colleges and universities respond to the crime awareness and campus security requirements of the 1990 Federal law, the Student Right-to-Know and Campus Security Act.
The authors urge campuses to establish a campus-wide committee to review their security policies and emergency response procedures in the context of the new legal requirements. The law recognizes institutional autonomy and encourages institutions to establish their own security policies. The law requires each institution receiving Title IV student aid assistance to prepare and distribute an annual report setting forth its policies on crime prevention issues and giving statistics on the number of specific crimes as well as arrests for drug and liquor law violations and weapons possessions. Campuses must make prompt decisions about when and how to disseminate timely warnings after certain specific crimes occur. Definitions, compliance schedule, and questions and answers