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Complete Spanish Field Reference Manual for Public Safety Professionals

NCJ Number
R L Dent
Date Published
152 pages
Translated by a former United Nations interpreter in the most common dialect for use with a multitude of Spanish- speaking people, this handbook translates the phrases most likely to be used by public safety professionals in a wide variety of circumstances.
There are more than 100 topics and a 2,000-word vocabulary in this compact field manual, including slang used by many public safety professionals such as police, corrections personnel, emergency medical teams, dispatchers, parole and probation officers, firefighters, educators, and other public officials who regularly interact with Spanish- speaking people. The table of contents refers the handbook user to phrases needed to communicate with Spanish-speaking people in the various situations listed in the table of contents, such as child abuse, an accident, request for an address, arrest, assault, consent to search, domestic disturbances, directions, and suicide prevention. This edition contains expanded topics on multicultural interaction and diversity. These include a discussion of traditional Mexican-American family values and types of methods of interpreting and translating.


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