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Complete Correctional Officer - Human Service and the Human Environment of Prison

NCJ Number
Criminal Justice and Behavior Volume: 8 Issue: 3 Dated: (September 1981) Pages: 343-373
R Johnson; S Price
Date Published
31 pages
The correctional officer role is examined in relation to the possibilities the role affords for the delivery of human services to inmates with problems and crises of adjustment.
Correctional officers who expanded their roles to include human service obligations contribute to the development of resilient prison environments -- environments that accommodate the shifting needs and concerns of inmates, and support their coping efforts. Human service officers strive to be complete correctional officers, responsive to the challenges posed for them and their wards by the prison. These correctional offices need nurturance and support if they are to survive. This requires organizational backing in the form of policies that foster and reward human service work, and training that provides the requisite skills, perspective, and support. (Publisher abstract)