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Comparison of Recidivistic and Non-Recidivistic Ex-Offenders

NCJ Number
JOURNAL OF FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGY Volume: 8 Issue: 1 Dated: (1981) Pages: 55-62
M L Murdock; R J Howell
Date Published
8 pages
A study comparing 28 ex-convicts who had successfully remained out of prison at least 3 years with a group of 46 recidivists found that on 23 of 25 quantitative dimensions there was a significant difference in the predicted direction.
These variables, condensed to 11 generic ones, included appropriate behavior in crisis situations; freedom from drug and alcohol abuse; noncriminal associates and opportunities for appropriate socialization; and good work habits, employment skills, and attitudes. Other variables were personal and financial responsibility for oneself and dependents, maintenance of hope, a stable home with significant others, freedom from surveillance of law enforcement officers, appropriate behavior toward people in authority, a healthy self-concept, and concern and interest in others. Tabular data and four references are supplied. (Author abstract modified)


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