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Comparison of Male and Female Peace Officers' Stereotypic Perceptions of Women and Women Peace Officers

NCJ Number
Journal of Police Science and Administration Volume: 14 Issue: 2 Dated: (June 1986) Pages: 83-97
L K Lord
Date Published
15 pages
This study compares male and female police officers' perceptions of women in general and women police officers in particular. information sheet. Twenty-five female officers and 35 male officers returned completed questionnaires. Survey responses indicated that male police officers' perceptions of female officers and women in general were basically the same, and female officers' perceptions of other female officers and women in general were dissimilar. Male and female officers' perceptions of female officers were more alike than different. Male and female officers' views of women in general were basically the same. The findings are generally consistent with the literature on male and female police officers with one significant exception. This was the absence of a significant difference between male and female officers' perceptions of female officers. Male officers' views of female officers tended to be more positive than that indicated by the literature. The questionnaire and 36 references.


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