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Comparison of Bulk and Compound-Specific 13C Isotope Ratio Analyses for the Discrimination Between Cannabis Samples

NCJ Number
Journal of Forensic Sciences Volume: 57 Issue: 3 Dated: May 2012 Pages: 757-764
Zeland Muccio Ph.D.; Claudia Wockel M.S.; Yan An, M.S.; Glen P. Jackson, Ph.D.
Date Published
May 2012
8 pages
Five marijuana samples were compared using bulk isotope analysis compound-specific isotope ratio analysis of the extracted cannabinoids.
Five marijuana samples were compared using bulk isotope analysis compound-specific isotope ratio analysis of the extracted cannabinoids. Owing to the age of our cannabis samples, four of the five samples were compared using the isotope ratios of cannabinol (CBN), a stable degradation product of delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Bulk 13C isotope analysis discriminated between all five samples at the 95 percent confidence level. Compound-specific 13C isotope analysis could not distinguish between one pair of the five samples at the 95 percent confidence level. All the measured cannabinoids showed significant depletion in 13C relative to bulk isotope values; the isotope ratios for THC, CBN, and cannabidiol were on average 1.6‰, 1.7‰, and 2.2‰ more negative than the bulk values, respectively. A more detailed investigation needs to be conducted to assess the degree fractionation between the different cannabinoids, especially after aging. Abstract published by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons.