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Comparison of Beliefs About AIDS Among Urban, Suburban, Incarcerated, and Gay Adolescents

NCJ Number
Journal of Adolescent Health Care Volume: 10 Issue: 5 Dated: (1989) Pages: 413-418
P R Nader; D B Wexler; T L Patterson; L McKusick; T Coates
Date Published
6 pages
Beliefs about AIDS were surveyed among samples of 1,572 adolescents to compare four subgroups of youth: urban public high school students; suburban private school students; youth incarcerated in a detention facility; and a group who were contacted through a gay youth organization.
The questionnaire items regarded were: agreement with health guidelines; perceived personal threat of AIDS; a sense of personal efficacy to prevent infection and the spread of AIDS; and perceived norms of safe sex behaviors. Many similar attitudes were shared by all subgroups, however, it is suggested that there may be differences in particular attitudes and needs for AIDS education in incarcerated youth groups. It appears that incarcerated youth represent a potential population at high risk of exposure and possess beliefs and attitudes about AIDS that may not serve their best interest. Findings suggest a need for a broad-based education effort that should include strategies that increase adolescents' beliefs that they are vulnerable to AIDS; reinforce adolescents' confidence in their own ability to do something to prevent HIV infection; and promote safe sex practices as the desired norm for their particular peer group. 19 references. (Author abstract modified)


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