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Comparative Examination of Several Amino Acid Reagents for Visualizing Amino Acid (Glycine) on Paper

NCJ Number
Journal of Forensic Identification Volume: 43 Issue: 1 Dated: (January- February 1993) Pages: 44-68
A A Cantu; D A Leben; M M Joullie; R J Heffner; R R Hark
Date Published
25 pages
The history of ninhydrin analogues as amino acid reagents for developing latent fingerprints on paper is current. This research compares 10 amino acid reagents (ninhydrin, 8 ninhydrin analogues, and DFO) in terms of ability to visualize spots of the amino acid glycine on paper.
There are at least four types of chemicals or physical processes which develop latent fingerprints on paper. These include colored fingerprints which do not fluoresce visibly, colored fingerprints which require secondary treatment to render them visibly fluorescent, invisible fingerprints which fluoresce visibly, and colored fingerprints which fluoresce visibly. Five experiments are described which tested visualization and evaluation procedures, effects of acetic acid, stoichiometry test experiments, and limits of detection. The results of these experiments are discussed in terms of the amino acid reaction, initial spot development, the fluorescent complexes and DFO, acidification study, background considerations, and limits of detection. 3 figures, 4 tables, and 19 references