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Comparative Dispositions Study - Statutes Related to Handling Dangerous Juveniles, Volumes 1 and 2

NCJ Number
J L White; J L Pilotta; S Clapsaddle; C Bildstein; B B Black; S Davis; S Freedman; M Furjanic; K Weiland
Date Published
606 pages
This report presents comprehensive statutory summaries bearing upon dangerous juvenile offenders for each State, the U.S. (Federal) code, and the District of Columbia.
The uniform format used for all statutes encompasses jurisdiction, court organization, procedures, sentences and dispositions, and the authority of corrections agencies. Statutory procedural options for handling dangerous juvenile offenders vis-a-vis juvenile court and adult court roles include judicial waiver, excluded offenses, concurrent jurisdiction, and lower age of jurisdiction. Subtopics of sentences and dispositions are juvenile court dispositions and special sentencing and dispositional provisions. The authority of corrections agencies is distinguished between juvenile and adult corrections; the assignment of offenders to specific institutions; and the determination of parole, aftercare, and final discharge. Tables accompanying each statutory summary include 1981 felony designations and penalties for dangerous offense categories and 1981 comparisons of adult and juvenile court statutes which affected sentences and dispositions. Tables also show 1981 operational responsibilities for corrections services and agencies responsible for determining the termination of 1981 probation and parole status.