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Community Service Corps - A Corrections' Initiative

NCJ Number
A Besse
Date Published
67 pages
This proposal outlines the goals and model program components of a Wisconsin Division of Corrections initiative designed to combine community service with inmate occupational training.
The proposed Community Service Corps has two major goals: to provide participants with skills, a work record, and resources to increase their postrelease employment rate; and to provide community service, including conservation duties, of value to the general public. The comprehensive model will include client testing, counseling, education, vocational skills training, and job seeking and keeping skills training. It also will have a formal job development and placement component. Participation will be for up to 6 months, and a majority of the time will be spent in community service work. Participants will be paid $3.35 per hour, with provisions for a modest raise for successful performance. Finally, participants will be provided with followup and placement services. Specific project design will be dictated by the funding source. Both process and outcome evaluations of the proposed program are planned. 50-item bibliography and maps of Wisconsin.