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Community Release Programs

NCJ Number
Date Published
49 pages
These guidelines discuss the 1980 minimum standards for California local detention facilities which apply to community release program facilities, also known as work furlough or work release.
An historical perspective of community release programs precedes a discussion of standards under the broad topic areas of program development, operation, contracts, and community relations. The discussion of program development standards covers needs assessment, establishing community support, who should administer the program, kinds of facilities, developing resources, staff selection and training, and selection and classification of inmates. Topics included in the discussion of operation standards are number of personnel, policy and procedures manual, work assignments, discipline, medical care, food, clothing, security, and transportation. The section on contracts briefly discusses guidelines for entering into contracts with other jurisdictions, the State Department of Corrections, and the Federal Bureau of Prisons to accept inmates who are nearing prison release and will be returning to the community where the release facilities are located. A speakers' bureau and volunteer civic projects are discussed as aspects of community relations. Appended are a sample ordinance applying to contracts and a sample intercounty agreement. A bibliography of eight listings is provided.