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Community Release Program Study

NCJ Number
K Mann; C Dube; A Lucero
Date Published
157 pages
Based on an analysis of available data and practices nationwide, a community-based correctional facilities system suitable for implementation in California is proposed.
The phased expansion program recommended will provide for 1,200 community correctional center beds by the end of fiscal 1982-83. The expansion is expected to be achieved within reasonable budget constraints and without jeopardizing public safety. The objectives of the recommended community corrections center program are to reduce the need for capital outlay, reduce institutional populations and problems associated with overcrowding, maximize reintegration opportunities and probability of parole success, and increase the community correctional center population without jeopardizing public safety. Achievement of these objectives will be the responsibility of an organizational subdivision of the Parole and Community Services Divsion created for the purpose of managing the community corrections center system. Under the proposed plan, implementation would be phased, beginning in the first year with a program involving 200 contract beds plus the 150 beds currently available. Expansion to 550 beds is projected for fiscal 1981-82. Thereafter, the system would provide for 800 beds by the end of fiscal 1983-84. To facilitate the efficient management of a diverse group of programs statewide, uniform selection criteria, contracting and monitoring systems, and policies and procedures have been developed. Footnotes and tables are supplied. Appendixes presented 53 references and graphs, tabular data, and discussions on inmate programs and population movement. (Author abstract modified)

Corporate Author
California Dept of Corrections

P.O. Box 714, Sacramento, CA 95814, United States

Sale Source
National Institute of Justice/

Box 6000, Dept F, Rockville, MD 20849, United States

United States of America