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Community Policing Strategies for Countering Violent Extremism

NCJ Number
David Schanzer
Date Published
February 2013
1 page
This video and accompanying transcript covers a presentation by David Schanzer that describes the goals and methodology of a study that is examining locally based community policing strategies that involve police community-partnerships in countering violent extremism.
The study - which is being conducted by an inter-institutional center that involves a partnership among Duke, the University of North Carolina, and RTI International (Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security) - has the goal of validating best practices among a variety of policing strategies that aim to counter violent extremism. The proposed study will have three stages: a nationwide survey of law enforcement agencies; intensive follow-up interviews with a small subset of the chiefs of police; and eight site visits that will include focus groups in the communities.

Publication Format
Document (Online)
Video (Online)
Publication Type
Report (Study/Research)
Program/Project Description
United States of America