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Community Policing: A Handbook for Beat Cops and Supervisors

NCJ Number
Howard Rahtz
Date Published
141 pages
This handbook is designed for beat officers and their supervisors in a community-policing agency.
The book defines community policing as intelligent policing grounded in common sense. It is a results-oriented approach to policing that can be both organizationally and individually applied, partnerships to help the police control crime, and a commitment to solving community problems. Good beat officers establish strong relationships with individuals in their neighborhoods, in part by treating people with respect, developing listening skills, following through on commitments, and taking time to understand problems before trying to solve them. Emphasis on solving problems is what separates traditional from community policing. The most popular problem-solving technique is SARA (Scanning, Analysis, Response, and Assessment). The book describes application of the technique in several actual cases. The book also describes supervisors' actions that can assist officers' problem-solving efforts. Resources, references, note