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Community Mediation in Massachusetts - A Decade of Development 1975 to 1985

NCJ Number
Date Published
200 pages
This report describes, compares, and analyzes Massachusetts' 28 community mediation programs that accept referrals from district courts.
After presenting the district court definition of community mediation, the report traces the growth of community mediation in Massachusetts from 1975 through 1985, with attention to the forces that have shaped it. Information obtained from site visits to the 28 programs encompasses funding and affiliation; program goals, design, and operation; case definition, referral sources, entry points, caseload, and evaluation; and legal and ethical issues. An overview of staff addresses the total number of mediators, the number used in mediation, hours of basic training, and stipend. Profiles of the 28 programs are summarized through a format that encompasses general information, statistical information, administrative-fiscal information, special features and future plans, and courts served. Areas identified for assistance include the achievement of stable funding, the development of methods to increase referrals, and the expansion of mediator training content. The appendix contains instructive material from various mediation programs. Tabular data and 39-item bibliography.