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Community Effect in Community-based Programs for Youths

NCJ Number
W W Minor; M Morash
Date Published
173 pages
Research conducted from June 1978 to December 1981 examined the nature of relationships between delinquent and nondelinquent youths and various Massachusetts community programs.
Interviews with 843 youths selected through purposive and probability sampling and with 473 staff members of 54 programs gathered information on the characteristics of the youths, the programs, and the nature of the youths' experiences in the programs. Results showed that delinquency is not importantly related to the types of programs youths attend. Youths attend programs more often when these programs are accessible and have younger staff. In addition, programs with a high rate of expulsion are likely to be considered stigmatizing by the youths who attend them. Findings indicated the desirability of locating programs in multiple sites to promote access, to include outreach components, and to consider alternative educational programs for youths with behavior problems or aversion to traditional schools. Tables and appended study instrument and 59 references