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Community Correspondents Group Volume 2 December 2-5, 1980

NCJ Number
Date Published
168 pages
This report provides information on current drug abuse trends and emerging substances of abuse throughout the country as well as other important drug abuse issues.
This is a collection of individual reports by researchers from 20 major metropolitan areas with a sizable population throughout the country that report to the Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN). State and local level researchers provide valuable insight into current trends in drug abuse, provide information vital to the determination of at-risk populations, and provide an early detection system for identifying the emergence of new substances of abuse. Researchers currently report twice a year on trends on a variety of substances of abuse, the issues surrounding data collection, and the methodologies for collecting and interpreting the date. These reports on indicators of the current status of drug abuse at the State and community level in various regions of the country can be helpful in planning national drug abuse policy. Included in this report are: drug use trends in New York City; drug abuse trends in Newark and San Francisco; heroine use in Philadelphia; drugs of abuse indicators in Washington DC, Miami, Dallas, New Orleans, San Diego, and Minneapolis; drug updates from Phoenix; an overview of drug abuse in Los Angeles; current trends and patterns of drug abuse in Chicago; drug taking epidemiology in Detroit; and a drug summary of Denver. Data used for analysis were collected from Federal information systems and State and local level data bases. Tables