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Community-Based Initiatives Program Summary Report

NCJ Number
Date Published
139 pages
This is a synopsis of the Community-Based Initiatives (CBI) Program as developed and implemented by the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Maryland; this is the initial phase of an ongoing project.
The CBI Project is designed to identify community concerns relevant to crime and to provide a basis for ongoing interaction between the community and the U.S. Attorney's Office. The initial emphasis was to meet informally in a positive forum in small groups throughout the District, which includes the entire State of Maryland. The State was divided into 12 regions. As a result of the 12 regional meetings, certain concerns and suggestions were raised repeatedly. Concerns raised were the use and trafficking of illegal drugs, including alcohol abuse, and related crimes; violence, domestic violence, and crimes against children; increasing juvenile crime in general and the escalating violence associated with juvenile crime; and violence associated with firearms. Suggestions were increased funding by Federal grants to local law enforcement and community groups, an end to the revolving door justice system that puts chronic violent offenders back on the streets, early intervention programs for children and youth, increased resources for police, and drug treatment programs. Other issues raised less often, but sufficiently often to be noted are a general lack of respect for others, a weakening of moral values, decline of the family as a controlling social unit, the lack of sufficient jobs and job opportunities, and apathy among community members. Concerns and suggestions are also presented by region. Appended meeting schedule, regional meeting summaries, meeting attendees, and information packet

Corporate Author
U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Maryland

U.S. Courthouse, Room 820, 101 W. Lombard St, Baltimore, MD 21201, United States

Sale Source
U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Maryland

U.S. Courthouse, Room 820, 101 W. Lombard St, Baltimore, MD 21201, United States

Publication Type
Conference Material
United States of America