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Community-Based Corrections

NCJ Number
B R McCarthy; B J McCarthy Jr
Date Published
432 pages
Intended as a sourcebook on community-based corrections, this book examines a broad spectrum of correctional programs commonly referred to as community-based corrections and describes the applications of these programs to specific offender groups as well as to the larger population of adult male offenders.
The authors view community-based corrections as a component of the larger corrections system, which is in turn a major component of the criminal justice system. Throughout the text, community-based correctional strategies are compared to traditional and institutional strategies. The first chapter reviews the objectives and development of community-based corrections, followed by an identification of critical issues in this field. Seven chapters then describe seven community-based correctional programs used for adult offenders, defining them and examining their unique histories. The program types pertain to diversion, pretrial release, probation, restitution and community service, temporary release, halfway houses, and parole. Three chapters address the special problems and needs of female, juvenile, and drug-abusing and alcohol-abusing offenders as well as the community-based correctional programs designed to meet their needs. A chapter considers the roles of volunteers, paraprofessionals, and ex-offenders in community-based corrections. The concluding chapter discusses the future of community corrections by focusing on efforts to plan, organize, and unify correctional efforts. Chapter tables, notes, and an index