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Community Anti-Crime Program Close Out Report - Little Rock Community Crime Prevention Project

NCJ Number
Date Published
248 pages
This report summarizes the current state of knowledge and the general findings of 2 years of operations of the Little Rock Community Crime Prevention Project (LRCCPP), (Arkansas).
LRCCPP was created in October 1978 through LEAA funds. The program was developed in response to the need to mobilize and involve community residents in effective anticrime programs to prevent crimes, reduce the fear of crime, and improve cooperation among residents and local criminal justice officials. The report discusses the program's background, local community environment and target sites, goals and objectives, activities, organization and administration, and recommendations. The report suggests that criminal justice system planners and policymakers should pay special attention to making the qualifications for project personnel more definitive, establishing control areas or groups for comparison purposes, and using best available techniques for creating positive community attitudes toward community anticrime projects. The report strongly urges that an evaluation plan be developed along with the development of community anticrime projects as they are being planned. In addition, an increase in onsite technical assistance is recommended. Maps, figures, tables, and about 45 references are included. Program materials are appended.