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Communities and Crime Prevention (From Evidence-Based Crime Prevention, P 165-197, 2002, Lawrence W. Sherman, David P. Farrington, et al, eds., -- See NCJ–198648)

NCJ Number
Brandon C. Welsh; Akemi Hoshi
Date Published
33 pages
This chapter reviews and evaluates the effectiveness of community-based crime prevention programs.
The authors begin their discussion of community-based crime prevention programs by describing numerous crime prevention theories including the community disorganization, community disorder, community empowerment, and community regeneration theories. Focusing on community mobilization, the authors describe various community crime prevention programs designed to reduce crime rates, reduce the fear of crime, and improve the overall quality of life within various communities. Discussing gang prevention and intervention measures, the authors detail six high quality programs designed to reduce cohesion among juvenile gangs and individual gang members, resulting in effective gang development prevention. Community-based mentoring, afterschool recreation, and gun buy-back programs are also discussed as promising approaches to preventing a wide variety of both juvenile and community crimes. The authors conclude that while a full assessment of community-based crime prevention programs is hampered by a number of methodological issues, community crime prevention programs, especially those addressing potential juvenile criminals, are promising and should continue to be implemented. Tables, references

Sale Source

711 Third Ave., New York, NY 10017, United States

Publication Format
Book (Hardbound)
Publication Type
Report (Study/Research)
United States of America
*This document is currently unavailable from NCJRS.