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NCJ Number
J J Stucker; G M Camp; G M Smith
Date Published
83 pages
The National Institute of Corrections (NIC) funded a multiyear effort to examine communications needs of the corrections community and to develop strategies and methods to improve the quality and impact of communications activities.
Audits were conducted for State corrections departments in Alabama, California, and Rhode Island. The communications audit process had four tasks: (1) assess internal and external communications; (2) review formal and informal communications processes; (3) help each department clarify its communications goals and strategies; and (4) help each department develop a strategic communications plan. During the course of the communications audit, Rhode Island's Department of Corrections took steps to go beyond the development of a strategic plan. The department's steering committee began work on drafting specific action plans to implement communications objectives identified in the strategic plan. Alabama's Department of Corrections determined that improvements in communications must reflect the department commissioner's priorities. California's Department of Corrections achieved some success in building the framework required for strong internal and external communications. Basic principles involved in conducting a communications audit are reviewed, along with guidelines for identifying key issues that should be addressed and components of the communications process that should be evaluated. Steps associated with improving internal and external communications practices are also identified. Appendixes contain supporting materials developed as part of the communications audit.