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Communication in Crisis and Hostage Negotiations: Practical Communication Techniques, Stratagems, and Strategies for Law Enforcement, Corrections and Emergency Service Personnel in Managing Critical Incidents

NCJ Number
Arthur A. Slatkin Ed.d.
Date Published
200 pages
This guide offers strategies and techniques for law enforcement, corrections, and emergency service professionals on effectively handling crisis and hostage negotiations.
In the introduction, the author contends that active listening is the centerpiece of negotiation and negotiator skills. In this guide, active listening is presented in an enhanced form that includes advanced techniques, as well as advanced strategies and stratagems borrowed from the industries of psychology, law, and business. While the guide is not a comprehensive text of crisis and hostage negotiation, it does offer both basic and advanced communication techniques and negotiation strategies. Chapter 1 introduces the philosophy of hostage and crisis negotiation and the general principles of crisis negotiations. Chapter 2 focuses on verbal and nonverbal communications, with particular attention to communication techniques such as paraphrasing, interpretation, and self-disclosure. Chapter 3 looks specifically at stratagems, which are described as clever schemes to achieve an objective; several of these stratagems are presented such as “the sting” and “in the same boat.” Chapter 4 considers what to do when faced with a stalemate or a deadlock and offers techniques that help break down resistance. Chapter 5 presents a detailed guide of different personality types negotiators may encounter, including mentally and personality disordered individuals. Finally, chapter 6 contains the HNT Game, a hostage negotiator training program focusing on the development of effective communicators. Several practice exercises allow for the mastery of the skills presented throughout the guide; sample responses are included. References