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Common Sense Self-Defense Disarming Techniques

NCJ Number
Trooper Volume: 6 Issue: 5 Dated: (August 1981) Pages: 57,59,63,65,67,69
H Purdue
Date Published
6 pages
Techniques for disarming an attacker who has a hand gun are discussed in this article for police officers.
Most of the disarming techniques now taught to police officers are based on army or martial arts techniques. The great majority of them have one fatal flaw: they attack the man instead of the weapon. This approach works adequately with knives but not with guns. Techniques designed to aid a police officer in disarming a person with a gun include several basic rules. The main rule is to attack and control the weapon, then attempt to force the individual into a wristlock position. The second point is to move very quickly, faster than the average human reaction time of a fifth of a second. The article describes and illustrates an effective technique taught by John Peters of the Defensive Tactics Institute in Braintree, Mass. This newer approach is compared to the standard wristlock technique. Numerous photographs are included.