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Committee on Crime Prevention and Control, Report on the Eleventh Session, Vienna, Austria, February 5-16, 1990

NCJ Number
Date Published
299 pages
At its 11th session, the United Nations Committee on Crime Prevention and Control recommended that the Economic and Social Council adopt seven draft resolution and one draft decision and approved 22 draft decisions to be transmitted through the Council to the Eighth United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders.
The Committee also adopted three resolutions on matters relating to the Committee's work. The draft resolutions address the implementation of United Nations standards and norms in crime prevention and criminal justice, the continuation of preparations for the Eighth United Nations Congress, and training and public awareness regarding crime prevention. They also focused on the victims of crime and the abuse of power, inmate education, United Nations surveys of criminal justice, and technical cooperation. The Committee also unanimously adopted a report titled "the need for the creation of an effective international crime and justice program," based on a subcommittee's work. Text of recommended resolutions and decisions and appended agenda and related materials