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Commericial Counterfeiting - An Emerging Entrepreneurship for International, Local, and Organized Crime

NCJ Number
Journal of Security Administration Volume: 8 Issue: 2 Dated: (December 1985) Pages: 31-58
J J Nee
Date Published
8 pages
This paper describes the scope of commercial counterfeiting, identifies some of the transgressors, and reviews countermeasures being undertaken by the victimized businesses and by State and Federal Governments.
Commercial counterfeiting is an exploding consumer fraud which costs manufacturers or merchants countless dollars. It is costly also to consumers and often threatens their safety. One year of research on the counterfeiting of commercial, industrial, and consumer products (which incorporate or use trademarks, copyrights, patents, and other forms of intellectual property) reveals an extensive problem that has emerged from the late 1970's into the 1980's. Organized crime distributes and sells counterfeit goods, especially consumer apparel and electronic products. An important countermeasure is the 1984 Comprehensive Crime Control Act, which includes the Trademark Counterfeiting Act. This makes commercial counterfeiting a criminal offense throughout the Nation. 23 notes. (Author abstract modified)


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