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Comments on Evaluating Trial Court Performance

NCJ Number
Justice System Journal Volume: 12 Issue: 1 Dated: (Spring 1987) Pages: 170-174
P Nejelski; F K Zemans
Date Published
5 pages
This article discusses issues in the evaluation of court performance with reference to a literature review by Feeney (1987).
In such research the who, when, and where of evaluation can be as important as the why. Such research requires that the goals of evaluation be defined and appropriately measured. In evaluating court change and reform, tools are needed to assess what is a lengthy and incremental process. In addition, evaluation research requires certain standards of proof, certain comparability, and attention to both validity and reliability of data. Scientifically based evaluation research can provide these benefits. Finally, issues of self-assessment versus external review will need to be addressed. Serious performance evaluation of the courts requires both the specialized skills of the research community and the cooperation of those within the court system.


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