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Combining Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Treatment With Diversion for Juveniles in the Justice System

NCJ Number
Date Published
140 pages
This Treatment Improvement Protocol spells out a strategy for diverting youth with substance abuse problems from further penetration into the juvenile justice system.
Following an introductory chapter, this protocol provides an overview of a diversion program for youth who abuse alcohol and other drugs (AOD). The overview introduces the concept of forming a collaborative group from sources within the community to design and implement the program. In another chapter, the collaborative planning process is described, with emphases on the five major types of decisions that must be made by the planning group. Four of these decisions pertain to the community and community organization: the juvenile justice system, the AOD abuse treatment system, community health and social services, and the community itself. The fifth type -- management decisions -- affects the other four and enables the collaborative planning group to bring the diversion program to life. The next chapter describes the five areas of decision making and presents a systems approach to collaborative planning, leading to a juvenile AOD abuse treatment diversion program. The concluding chapter presents guidelines for use by the collaborative planning group in its implementation activities and for developing a procedural manual for implementation. Appendixes provide literature sources and documents that can be useful for planning groups.