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Combating Hard Core Drunk Driving: A Sourcebook of Promising Strategies, Laws & Programs

NCJ Number
Date Published
225 pages
The National Hardcore Drunk Driver Project is a program of the Century Council, an organization that promotes responsible decision making regarding alcoholic beverage consumption and fights drunk driving and underage drinking problems, and the project has resulted in a sourcebook that provides resources to help State legislators and local policymakers, highway safety officials, judges, prosecutors, community advocates, and treatment professionals deal effectively with hardcore drunk drivers.
Hardcore drunk driving is a complex issue that defies easy solutions, and the goal of the sourcebook is to help reduce the number of fatalities, injuries, and damages that result from the irresponsible behavior of hardcore drunk drivers. Culling information from recent research, professionals in the fields of alcohol abuse and traffic safety, and a new State-by-State survey, the sourcebook serves as a guide to a broad range of administrative policies, laws, sanctions, and treatment programs that address hardcore drunk drivers. The sourcebook is primarily based on State profiles that contain information on driving while intoxicated reporting requirements, identification and assessment, treatment, enforcement, prosecution and sentencing practices, sanctions, and promising approaches. 41 references