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Combating and Preventing Sex Trafficking of Black Girls: Promising Practices (Part 1)

NCJ Number
Date Published
January 2022

This first video in a three-part series informs the viewer about trauma-informed services, youth partnership, and choice and voice for survivors, it also highlights the efforts of a program, PEARLS for Teen Girls, which serves middle through high school-aged girls.


This video features a conversation with Jasmine Deacon, the Program Manager at PEARLS (Personal responsibility, Empathy, Awareness, Respect, Leadership, and Support) for Teen Girls, a leadership development program that serves middle through high school-aged girls, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The video challenges viewers to consider three main ideas: what approaches they take to partner with Black girls in their organizations’ planning and implementation; what recommendations they have for listening and utilizing the expertise of Black girls; and how they assess their effectiveness and impact they have when serving Black girls. The three-part video series is presented by Youth Collaboratory, which works to prevent and reduce the victimization of Black girls who are vulnerable to sex trafficking by expanding the skills of program providers and other stakeholders who share the goal of preventing the trafficking of Black girls. The video series covers topics based on the emerging trends and promising practices for prevention and early intervention for Black girls who are either at risk or currently experiencing sexual exploitation or domestic sex trafficking.